Ballyea Camogie

Founded 1935

Co. Clare

Back to School with Ballyea and Specsavers

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We are delighted to confirm that all of our younger girls will be receiving Specsavers sponsored schoolbags/rucksacks. 

We sincerely want to thank John O'Farrell of Specsavers Ennis for their continued support and generosity to enable us to provide this gear for the girls. 

We will be distributing the bags over the next 3 weeks after training. 

For our older girls, watch this space as we have some more exciting news coming soon. 

Pictured above, some of our young superstars with John O'Farrell for the presentation of the bags which also featured in this week's Clare Echo.

Ballyea Camogie Club

"As Many as possible, for as long as possible"

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