Ballyea Camogie

Founded 1935

Co. Clare

Are you interested in Taking Part in the M.N.A Programme

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The MNA Programmes will focus on developing more female volunteers within our Clubs, by empowering more women through the MNA Programme. Females will receive volunteer recruitment and personal development training through various online and in person workshops.
Overview of the Personal Development Training sessions:
  1. Wednesday 26th of March 7pm – What is your why?
  2. Saturday 26th of April 11am – In Person Team Building & Network, Abbottstown 11:00am-3:30pm
  3. Wednesday 7th of May 7pm – Building Trust and Respect as a Volunteer
  4. Wednesday 18th of June 7pm –Action Planning and Time Management
  5. Wednesday 6th of August 7pm– Building Confidence to Recruit Others
  6. Wednesday 3rd of September 7pm – Personal and Team Wellbeing
  7. Wednesday 1st of October 7pm – Beliefs, Values and Mindset Development
  8. Wednesday 22nd of October 7pm – Being a Leader & Self-Reflection
  9. To be confirmed – 13th or 14th of December – MNA Graduation in Croke Park!
Through this programme the Camogie Association will endeavour to increase women’s sustained involvement in Camogie in all aspects within the grassroots of our organisation. The aim of this programme is to increase the number of females involved in camogie within Camogie Club across Ireland, but to provide women the platform to increase their confidence, but to also meet other women on the same journey of self-development.
Clubs are to nominate a female mentor who would receive the volunteer recruitment and personal development training. Clubs can nominate more than one mentor should they wish - Just submit two applications.
Application form found here:
More details on the requirements, and outline available on the website:
Deadline to apply is Wednesday 26th of February, after this date successful candidates will be contacted.
Any queries to

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